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Thats exactly where you are now! In addition to my professional profile and portfolio, will be a space to publish and archive creative and political texts and other work.

educational video terra vecchia out


After several make-overs, the final version of the educational video ‘Co-creation in the Mountains’ is released on Vimeo. Snippets will be published on the Kulturdorf’s social media, including their Instagram. was launched


The homepage of the Kulturdorf Terra Vecchia, a Swiss project of cultural mediation is now up (here)! Part of it is a multi-media web experience (here)

anatole and the gleaners at system_d


Jasper’s short film Anatole and the Gleaners, shot in Brussels, is streamed at the Belgian self-taught film festival System_D.


Welcome to my experimental newsletter. No promises, no obligations: no regular intervals, no fixed format. Instead, commitment and aspiration: to stay inspired, to inspire, to take to heart what is given and to share what wants to be shared. A newsletter chaotic and co-dependent. Like people.

The second edition will be up here shortly.

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